Information for First-year and Transfer Students

On Campus Living

Things to do now:

  1. Complete the Orientation Data Form: Start by filling out the Orientation Data Form to provide key information to UB. Indicate on the form whether you have anticipated or earned college credits, along with AP, IB, or CLEP credits.
  2. Submit Immunization Records: Proof of immunization is required for all new students and records need to be submitted before you can be registered for courses.
  3. Resolve any HUB Student Center Holds: Holds such as “Profile Information” hold need to be resolved before we can register you in courses. Note that the “Academic Advising” hold is put on for all first-year students at UB, requires no action on your part, and does not affect course registration.
  4. Download and Enroll in DUO two-step verification: DUO is needed to securely use UB IT systems like MYUB, the university web portal, and HUB Student Center, where you can see your class schedule and pay your tuition bill.
  5. Get Registered for Classes: As long as you have completed Steps 1, 2, and 3, starting in June academic advisors will register you for all your first semester courses. You will receive an email from us when you are registered and can view your schedule in the HUB Student Center.
  6. Math Placement Exam: UB requires the Math Readiness Assessment for students wishing to enroll in first semester calculus courses, including MTH 121 or MTH 131. If you are enrolled in either of those courses, you must receive a 70 on Math Fundamentals and 70 on Advanced Algebra to stay enrolled. Students who do not earn those scores or do not take the assessment, will be placed in ULC 148 Precalculus and will be required to take Calculus their second semester.

Things to do in July:

  1. Send any College and Alternative Exam Credit Scores to UB: If you have taken any AP or CLEP exams, scores should be sent to UB via School Code 2925. IBs or previously completed college courses should be sent to UB Undergraduate Admissions via transcript: 12 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 or . UB requires that courses taken at or through another college be sent by that college to UB directly.
  2. Participate in UB’s Orientation: Orientation sets you up for a successful start at UB through a required virtual experience.
  3. Review Course Policies: You should be aware of policies regarding course enrollment including drop/add and resignation policies and deadlines.
  4. Course Enrollment Control Policy: It is also important that you are familiar with the Course Enrollment Control (CEC) Policy which applies when a student needs to retake a course designated for controlled enrollment due to resigning or not earning a passing grade on their first enrollment attempt. Calculus is part of this policy and some of your other courses may be as well.
  5. Accommodations: If you are seeking any academic accessibility accommodations, please contact UB’s Office of Accessibility Resources.
  6. Pathway Selection: Pathways are part of the UB Curriculum requirements all students need to complete, We encourage you to select and save your pathway choices now so that we can better advise you on them in the future. There is a video linked on the page to help you understand how to make your selections. You can change your choices later as needed, but it is important to make initial choices.


Things to do in August:

  1. Attend Architecture Orientation: Starting the Friday before classes begin, you will arrive on campus, set up your studio space, and get oriented to the School of Architecture and planning’s facilities.
  2. Attend Welcome Weekend: Welcome Weekend prepares you for the start of classes through semi-structured experiences.
  3. Course Locations: Check out where your classes will be held by referencing your HUB Schedule and using campus maps.

Additional Resources:

Learn about Year One

The Year One webpage supports you through your start at UB with links to programs, resources and guidance that will help make the transition easier for new students.

Frequently Asked Questions

This webpage answers questions that first year students commonly have on topics such as the Orientation Data form, Immunization Records, Course Registration and Summer Orientation.