The School of Architecture and Planning typically offers a limited number or teaching and/or graduate assistantships each semester. The number of positions varies from semester to semester based on funding and other factors. Current and incoming students (who accept into the program before a specific date) are given the opportunity to apply each semester by submitting their resume, cover letter and portfolio. Students are chosen based on faculty preferences, admission offers (guaranteed assistantships as part of offfer) availability in the applicants course schedule and the applicants interests. Students who apply are notified through email if they receive an assistantship each semester shortly before classes begin. Those chosen for an assistantship are not guaranteed an assistantship the next semester and must go through the normal application process.
As a TA, duties typically include assisting the instructor with grading, teaching labs/recitations, tutoring and meeting with students during office hours. Instructors may assign additional duties as well. This position typically includes 10 hours/week of work and required attendance of the undergraduate course.