UB’s Resilient Buildings Lab, led by Nicholas Rajkovich, assistant professor of architecture, recently convened academics and architects from across New York State to discuss building responses to the changing climate, a debate brought to the forefront by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and ‘Snowvember,’ the seven-foot snow event that hit parts of Buffalo in 2014. A featured event of the fall 2016 lecture series, the symposium is part of research led by Rajkovich and the UB Regional Institute, and sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, to assess climate change impacts and propose adaptive strategies for the state’s building stock.
Each semester the School of Architecture and Planning invites distinguished architects and planners to campus for symposia, seminars and exhibitions. Convening practitioners, scholars, students and the public around the top issues facing our profession today, the program is a vibrant part of the intellectual life of our school that informs public debate, fosters connections across disciplines and bridges the academy and practice.
In fall 2016 the school launched a partnership program inviting alumni, rms and related businesses to support the lecture series and gain yearlong branding and marketing exposure to a broad public audience. Sponsors are promoted through print and digital signage, on the school website, and in email and print communications. Program support helps students through scholarships, educational programming and experiential learning.
For more information or to become a sponsor, please contact
Robert Hill 716-829-3973 rrhill2@buffalo.edu
Thank you to our sponsors
AIA Buffalo/WNY
Architectural Resources
ASHRAE Niagara Frontier Chapter Boston Valley Terra Cotta
Clarkson Visiting Chair in Architecture
and Planning
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Food Systems Planning and Healthy
Communities Lab
Frank Gramieri (MArch ‘83)
IDeA Center
Viviane Jammal
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Mach Architecture
Open Buffalo
Partnership for the Public Good
Pella Windows and Doors Buffalo
Schneider Design, Architects PC
Sydney Gross Memorial Fund
UB Asian Studies Program
UB Confucius Institute