He, She, It

The building has a variety of spaces, large shared, a greenhouse, and small private warm spaces.

He, She & It is a collection of three distinct buildings for three different spatial needs, collaged into a single structure. The 1500 sq ft building houses work spaces for a painter, a ceramist/silversmith, and a greenhouse. Each space offers an atmosphere which differs radically from the others.


Stephanie Davidson
Georg Rafailidis


Buffalo, NY

Date of completion


Each of the three spaces in their project differs radically from the other.

The painter’s space (for the “He”) is a windowless white box that is exclusively top-lit, allowing for even and natural light while maximizing the wall surface area for painting.

“She” is a ceramist and silversmith whose space features a dedicated area for the messy, wet ceramic work and the delicate jewelry making. Her space offers large windows with generous views and dramatic lighting.

“It” consists of seedlings in spring and plants in the winter whose space features a translucent polycarbonate shell that offers a zone of outdoor-like space to the other two work spaces, without any direct views.

Recognition (selection): AR House Award Finalist (The Architectural Review-UK), Blueprint Award (Blueprint Magazine-UK), 19th Best of Canada Design Award and overall Project of the Year, AAP Bronze Award, Architizer A+ Award, AZ Award of Merit (Azure Magazine-Canada), DETAIL Prize Finalist (DETAIL Magazine-Germany)

Publication (selection): Bauwelt 3/2017, C3 Magazine 12/2016, DETAIL magazine 5/2016 (English edition), DETAIL magazine 7-8/2016 (German edition), A+ Awards book (Phaidon, 2016)

