Capricorn 2050

David Stieglitz (MArch ’71)

View of Capricorn 2050.

View of Capricorn 2050

David Stieglitz is founder and emeritus partner of Stieglitz Snyder Architecture. Spanning more than 50 years, David’s career encompassed not only architecture and planning but also archaeology, environmental research and design, communication technologies and educational planning. Key achievements throughout his career include his role as a founding faculty member of the University at Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Environmental Design, playing an instrumental role in the World Future Society’s “First Global Conference on the Future,” and receiving the AIA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.

Capricorn 2050

Project Capricorn was a planning and design project designed to provide a homeostatic living/working environment for 250,000 people in the Australian desert. Predicated completely on “closed loop” sustainable infrastructure systems, this decade-long initiative involving hundreds of students and businesses. It was intended to provoke discussion on the entire question of the relationships between man, technology and nature, with a view toward discovering new ways to minimize adverse impacts while maintaining a reasonable range of sustainable human habitat settings and lifestyles.

Project Credits: Stieglitz Snyder Architecture (David Stieglitz), University at Buffalo, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, Drexel University, The Franklin institute