Photo Credits: Joey Swerdlin
Joey Swerdlin (he/him) is a creative who serves as community director of Morpholio. He is in pursuit of architectural happiness and is currently obsessed with chairs. At Morpholio, he focuses on marketing and social media strategy, UI/UX design, and community support. After his time at Buffalo, he completed a Master of Architecture at MIT. There, he co-founded Group Project, an architecture and urban design collaborative working to connect discourse on the built environment with contemporary issues of social and environmental justice, mass incarceration, and food equity.
“There were no memories among those pieces. Certainly no memories to be cherished. Occasionally an item provoked a physical reaction: an increase of acid irritation in the upper intestinal tract, a light flush of perspiration at the back of the neck as circumstances surrounding the piece of furniture were recalled.” – Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye