Beth Tauke

Beth Tauke headshot.

Beth Tauke

Beth Tauke

Associate Professor
Department of Architecture

Beth Tauke is associate professor in the Department of Architecture. Her research focuses on design education and inclusive design, specifically the empowerment of underrepresented groups through design.

Professor Tauke has been a co-principal investigator of three National Endowment for the Arts grants: Universal Design Identity ProgramBridging the Gap: Increasing Access to Universal Design to Meet the Needs of African American Communities, and The State of Universal Design Education in University-Level Design Curricula.

She is co-author of Inclusive Design: Implementation and Evaluation (Routledge, 2018), and co-editor of Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences (Routledge, 2016), and Universal Design, New York (NYC Mayor’s Office, 2001). She has published over one hundred articles in books, academic journals and conference proceedings; and has given over one hundred talks at academic conferences here and abroad.   

Professor Tauke’s honors include a National Institute for Architectural Education Award, the American Collegiate Schools of Architecture Robert R. Taylor Award, the Lily Endowment Teaching Award, the Gary Day Award, the State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the President Emeritus and Mrs. Meyerson Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring, and an American Institute of Architects - Western New York Chapter: Outstanding Mentor Award.

Her primary professional goal is to encourage universities worldwide to include courses in their general education programs that address the importance of design in our diverse society. She sees this as an essential element of 21st century education.