Débora Mesa

Principal, Ensamble Studio

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
6 - 7:30 p.m.


Débora Mesa is principal of Ensamble Studio. According to Mesa, "architecture, in the wake of climate change, cannot be one that consumes resources irresponsibly, neither can it be indifferent to the ecological footprint it generates." In "ENSAMBLE STUDIO: RE-", Mesa presents architectures that engage pre-existing conditions in productive ways, recognizing the value of what is built and creating new architectures that re-use, re-cycle, re-imagine, and re-vive their context giving it new meaning and life.

AIA continuing education credits approved (1 LU)


Débora Mesa, principal of Ensamble Studio, Madrid/Boston.

Débora Mesa Molina, principal of Ensamble Studio, Madrid/Bostotn

Débora Mesa is European Licensed Architect and principal of Ensamble Studio, a cross-functional team she leads with her partner Antón García-Abril, based in Madrid and Boston. 

Balancing imagination and reality, art and science, their work innovates typologies, technologies and methodologies to advance architecture with an interdisciplinary approach. From their early works –Hemeroscopium House or The Truffle– to their most recent –Ca’n Terra and Ensamble Fabrica–, every project makes space for experimentation aiming to advance their field. Currently, through their startup WoHo, they are developing ways to increase quality and affordability in architecture through the integration of offsite technologies. Debora is committed to sharing ideas and cultivating synergies between professional and academic worlds through teaching, lecturing and researching: she is Critic at Large at Pratt GAUD and previously served as Ventulett Chair in Architectural Design at Georgia Tech and as research scientist at MIT where she co-founded the POPlab -–Prototypes of Prefabrication– in 2012.

The Bethune Lecture at the School of Architecture and Planning is generously sponsored by AIA Buffalo/WNY.