Fuzhen Yin

Fuzhen Yin.

Fuzhen Yin

Fuzhen Yin


BEng: Urban Planning, Tianjin University, China; DEP: Diplôme d'État de Paysagiste, ENSAP Bordeaux, France; MRes: Spatial Data Science and Visualization, CASA UCL, U.K.

Fuzhen Yin is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University at Buffalo (UB). She is also a Presidential Fellow at UB. Her research interests lie in the intersections of GIS, urban analytics, and modeling. She is proficient in the use of advanced GIS techniques and in applying sophisticated databases to urban and regional planning problems.  Her specific projects have investigated disaster response, housing abandonment, and food systems.  She is interested in the applications of such technologies to a range of urban and regional planning issues and has had specific background in the analysis of hazards, housing, and agriculture and food systems. She aims to unpack the implication of digital technologies for urban resilience building. Prior to joining UB, Fuzhen earned two master’s degrees, a Diplôme d'État de Paysagiste (DEP) from ENSAP Bordeaux, France, and a Master in Spatial Data Science and Visualization from CASA UCL, UK.

Fuzhen will be joining the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies at University of Colorado Colorado Spring (UCCS) as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2024. 

Contact Information:

Personal Website: https://www.gis-social.org/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fuzhen-yin-6a184822b/

X: @geoai_yin