Please note that this schedule of events is subject to change.
Orientation week is fast approaching, and we look forward to welcoming you to Hayes Hall, and the Fall 2024 semester! You will meet your new classmates, faculty members, and receive critical information about living in Buffalo and studying in the School of Architecture and Planning.
Events begin at 9:30am on August 21 for all graduate students.
We are very excited to meet you! We expect attendance from all registered students at each orientation session corresponding to their program. To help us plan food and transportation for certain events, please fill out the brief form below to confirm your attendance to the program orientation on Wednesday, August 21, for the Buffalo Bus Tour on Thursday August 22, and Welcome Reception on Friday, August 23.
Please confirm your participation before August 14 if you DO or DO NOT plan on attending so we can have an accurate number of people interested. Accurate transportation and food planning is important.
We will see you soon! Contact me if you have any questions regarding orientation!
Sidney Landis
Staff Assistant
School of Architecture and Planning
125 Hayes Hall
Buffalo, NY 14214