Alumni, friends come together in support of new Hayes Hall

The Harold L. Cohen Reading Room acknowledges the generous support of the school's former dean (1974-84). Dean Cohen helped complete the school's move into Hayes Hall in 1977, founded the Friends of the School of Architecture and Planning and led recruitment efforts that nearly doubled the school's faculty and staff.

Watch highlights from the grand reopening

Published October 6, 2016 This content is archived.

The five-year renovation of Hayes Hall was a monumental and milestone effort for the university, school and community. Indeed, it was an object lesson in the principle that most great things are the product of collective effort and collaboration.

The partnerships forged to bring the Hayes Hall renovation to life extend deep into the community and involved the support of hundreds of individuals and organizations from far and wide. 

Thank you for your support

From generous donations from alumni and friends to gifts and in-kind support from organizations in the community, a broad base of individuals and organizations have provided critical support to make possible the transformative renewal of Hayes Hall. In all, more than 250 donors have generously contributed to the renovation and fit-out of Hayes Hall. Major capital donors have been honored with named spaces throughout the building. All donors are listed on our donor wall on the fourth floor outside of our grand lecture hall.

Major capital donors (providing gifts, pledges or in-kind support of $10,000 or more):

Bonnie Foit Albert-Cox, MArch ’75, and Joseph D. Cox, MA ’96
Boston Valley Terra Cotta
Lori Duckstein
Edward H. Butler Foundation
Diane Georgopulos (BA '73)
Peter Hourihan, MArch ’71, and Judith Hourihan
Hyatt’s – All Things Creative
Gary Jastrzab, BA ’76
Louis P. Ciminelli Family Foundation
Alexander Morris, MArch ’94, BPS ’91
Mark Nusbaum, MArch ’85, BPS ’83
David and Molly Quackenbush
Rigidized Metals Corporation
Professors Robert Shibley and Lynda Schneekloth

Support Hayes Hall for a chance to win a paradise vacation

Participating partners

LP Ciminelli Construction Corp.
Bergmann Associates
LeChase Construction
Interior Solutions
Millington Lockwood Business Interiors
ASI Signage Innovations

Government partners

The Office of the Governor
Members of the Western New York state delegation
The State University of New York
State University Construction Fund
State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

Madeline Burke-Vigeland, Chair, AIA, LEED AP
Randy Asher, BS ’95
Louis P. Ciminelli
Charles Davis, MArch ’02, BPS ’99
Franklin Dickinson, AIA, MArch ’85
Diane Georgopulos, BA ’73
Peter Hunt
Clark Manus, FAIA, BA ’74
Mark Mendell, FAIA, MRAIC
Alphonso O’Neil-White
Richard Perlmutter, BA ’76