Engage the World

Whether testing ideas in Buffalo or engaging the built landscape of Madrid, the School of Architecture and Planning offers a global academic experience.

With the most extensive study abroad participation levels at the University at Buffalo, the School of Architecture and Planning offers diverse, life-changing travel opportunities for students.

Our exchange programs include three European universities, allowing students to complete a semester of coursework while immersed in the local culture and environment of Aarhus, Denmark or Weimar, Germany.

Similarly, global summer studios, led by faculty from the School of Architecture and Planning, engage buildings, cities, and countries with striking natural, constructed, and cultural landscapes. In 10 weeks of in-studio and on-site experiences, students build knowledge, deepen friendships, and expand their perspectives. In Spain, Costa Rica, Ireland, or Japan, summer abroad participants can graduate early and prepare for careers in an increasingly global field.

Students can also participate in short-term study-abroad trips. From exploring transportation in Estonia to experimenting with new construction methods in China, the School of Architecture and Planning offers a variety of focused, short-term international experiences. These programs allow students and faculty to engage pressing social, technological, economic, and environmental challenges in architecture and planning.

Domestic travel is an important element of the School of Architecture and Planning experience, as well. The United States is a vast and varied nation with remarkable buildings, exemplary cities and awe-inspiring landscapes. From day trips and short-distance, weekend excursions to multi-week, cross-country tours, domestic travel opportunities are offered every semester to students at all levels.

  • Summer study abroad 2019
    This summer, dozens of students from across UB fanned across three continents as part of the School of Architecture and Planning's annual study abroad program.

Additionally, our faculty practice and conduct research around the world, from Spain to India to South Korea, offering students one-of-a-kind opportunities for independent research. Through fellowships and a jam-packed lecture series offered every semester, the school brings in leading scholars and practitioners from around the world to teach, conduct research, participate in events and serve as critics.

The School of Architecture and Planning is a global community. In addition to an internationally-trained faculty, UB is one of the top universities in the nation for international enrollment. Our diverse student body brings the world into our programs and supports a culture of inclusiveness.