The shop team is here to help. Steeped in a culture of learning-by-doing, our own students play a critical role on our support team. Come to us with an idea and we'll help determine the best way to bring it to life. If you’re interested in exploring methods of making, experts are here to give pointers and bounce around ideas in a supportive environment.
Director of Fabrication Workshop; Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture
I wanted to pursue architecture because I had such a passion for design, learning about how things are made and their processes. While here at UB, I have had the opportunityto develop my design capabilities and learn more about representing my work than I could imagine. Outside my education I love to stay busy - I try to never stop moving and be as involved as possible in my school. I am treasurer of the architecture fraternity, Alpha Rho Chi, and also give tours to prospective students and their families.
I received my undergraduate degree from Ithaca College in environmental studies and knew UB was the place for my graduate studies after learning about the Ecological Practices Graduate Research Group. My interest in environmental studies was influenced by family’s passion for the outdoors as well as growing up exploring the Adirondacks. I want to pursue the practice of sustainable design helping to create new and innovative ways to incorporate the natural environment into the built environment.
A Buffalo native, I completed my BSArch at UB in 2016. My main area of research looks at the intersection of emerging technologies and their impacts on traditional ways of using and managing space and built form. Aside from my design work, I enjoy urban photography and travel, most often at the same time.
I’m from Queens, New York, and have always worked to positively impact my peers. Buffalo is full of great people that work hard. It's an environment I enjoy being a part of every day.
Previously in life I've been a garden manger, Zamboni driver and pharmaceutical study test subject. One day while cooking at a local diner, I noticed two gentleman furiously scribbling designs onto a placemat. I said to myself "I kind of want to be doing that instead", so I hung up my apron and walked across the street to join UB. Since arriving at UB I've worked closely with the Grow Home project and have become more of a shop staple. After graduating I intend to further my pursuits scribbling designs into diner placemats.
With a background in residential construction, I hope to mitigate the tract housing epidemic and put greater emphasis on the value of design; bringing individuality back into the American landscape.
I advocate for thoughtful design and good craft. I love to make; art, architecture, and all things in between. Most of my time is covered in saw dust and stressing over 1/64 of an inch. You can find me in Assembly House or the Fabrication Workshop at UB.
I am originally from Rochester, NY. I did my undergraduate studies at UB, and received my degree in Environmental Design. I have enjoyed my time here at UB so far; the help and encouragement from my teachers and peers has been unmatched, and I look forward to seeing where this program leads me in the future.