Master of Science in Architecture

Focus your studies on Ecological Practices

The GRoW team at the Massachusetts Avenue Project.

Architecture, along with its allied professions of urban design, landscape architecture and planning, must be in the forefront of creative thinking about the post-industrial era. Because we make and unmake the world daily through building, we are responsible for a large percentage of resource extraction, depletion, energy use, carbon emissions, waste and transportation costs. It is projected that buildings consume as much as 60% of the world’s energy divided between our industrial production and buildings for other uses.

The concept of ecological practices recognizes that architecture and urban design must respond to the built and natural environment as a complex web of interactive parts, constantly exchanging energy and resources. Ecological practices engage environmental systems and examine the role that architecture and urbanism play in harnessing and stewarding them.

Interested in a Master of Science in Architecture?

Would you like to learn more?

Kevin P. Donovan
Director of Graduate Recruitment
129 Hayes Hall
