Nicholas Rajkovich


Nicholas Rajvovich headshot.

Nicholas Rajkovich


Nicholas Rajkovich


Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
Overview Teaching / Research News Work

Selected Work

  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scale

    This book highlights North American cases that deal with issues such as climate projections, public health, adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations, and design interventions for floodplains, making the content applicable to many locations around the world. The contributors in this book discuss topics ranging from how built environment professionals respond to a changing climate, to how the building stock may need to adapt to climate change, to how resilience is currently being addressed in the design, construction, and operations communities.

  • Smart & Connected Management of Thermal Extremes

    The Community Resilience Lab led by Zoé Hamstead and Nicholas Rajkovich, along with collaborators from ASU and Temple University, examine different ways in which extreme heat and cold impact U.S. cities.

  • Adapting Buildings for a Changing Climate
    In collaboration with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), this series of reports lead by Nicholas Rajkovich help New York’s policymakers, architects, builders, building owners and managers, and residents understand the impacts climate change has on the State’s building sector.