Deafness and Architecture Symposium

Architecture for, by, and with Deafness

Scott Danford Symposium

Built in bench.

Interior of older building at Gallaudet University renovated according to Deaf Space principles. Photo: Edward Steinfeld

Friday, February 22, 2019 | 1 pm - 4 pm | 403 Hayes Hall | UB South Campus

This symposium will explore the intersection of architecture and deafness including the architecture of schools for the deaf (the past), “Deaf Space” (the present) and the impact of evolving technology and cultural attitudes toward deafness (the future). "Deafness and Architecture" is organized by Edward Steinfeld, UB architecture professor and director of the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access at the School of Architecture and Planning; and Michael Rembis, UB associate professor of history and director of UB's Center for Disability Studies.

Watch the entire symposium on YouTube

More about the Deafness and Architecture Symposium


Explore multiple perspectives on deafness and the design implications of advancing technology for deaf culture, social participation and design of the built environment.

Learn more about the symposium>


  • Welcome and Intro
  • Guest Speakers
  •     Jeffrey Mansfield
  •     Hansel Bauman
  •     Michael Chorost
  • Panel Discussion
  • Concluding Remarks
Learn more about the program>

Visitor Info

Plan your visit to our historic facilities on UB's South Campus with information on accessibility, parking and directions, and accommodations.

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Hayes Hall and the room are fully compliant with the ADA. American Sign Language interpreters and Real Time Captioning will be provided. Assisted Listening Systems will be available. A companion bathroom is close to the lecture hall. Accessible parking spaces are available close to the building. All others are invited to park in the Diefendorf Lot on the South Campus. See our campus map Download pdf or our accessible parking page for locations. Further information on accessibility can be obtained by calling:  Danise Levine at (716) 829-5903
