Advanced Standing for Graduate Students

Advanced Standing Request Deadline

The deadline to submit advanced standing requests is November 1 in the students first semester. The department will not review advanced standing requests after that time and the student should register for the appropriate courses as listed on their matrix. 

Students accepted into the 3 Year M.Arch program each fall may be eligible to receive advanced standing for a required course if they are are able to demonstrate that they have successfully completed equivalent coursework. Unlike waivers, receiving advanced standing decreases the total number of credits required in the program. 

Courses students may be eligible to receive advanced standing for include:

Course descriptions for these courses can be found by clicking on the course link above above, in the advanced standing form or on the course schedule.

If a student believes their academic background allows for advanced standing, they should apply at the portal link below. As part of the application, the student will be required to upload course syllabi and show that they received a grade of B or higher in the equivalent course(s) on their undergraduate transcript. Advanced standing requests will be accepted until November 1st of the students first semester, but students are highly encouraged to make all requests before they begin the program so they can register appropriately. Students who submit the request will receive a response from the department through email. Advanced standing requests after November 1 of the students first semester will not be reviewed.

For any advanced standing requests that are approved, the Graduate Advisor will submit the paperwork to have the students AAR adjusted to reflect the new credit requirements. This will be done before graduation. 

Note: Students who are using an equivalent undergradaute level course from UB's Department of Architecture are not required to upload the syllabus for the course for their advanced standing application. Grades below a B for equivalent UB undergraduate courses may also be considered for advanced standing at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies. 

Having Trouble?

If you are having difficulty logging into the portal or uploading your materials, please contact Doug McCallum ( If you have questions about the status of your request after submission, please contact Sidney Landis (