Curricular Practical Training (CPT)


Off-campus employment authorization that enables international students in F-1 visa status to take part in an internship, Co-op, field placement, practicum, or work/service experience that is integral to their curriculum. The Department of Architecture does not offer internship, practicum or Co-op, so international students are able to pursue this type of employment on their own. 


  • In order to be eligible for CPT, students must apply for CPT through the Office of International Student Student and Scholar Services at the link below.
  • Students must be currently in F-1 status and maintaining status.
  • Students have been enrolled full-time for at least one academic year (two semesters) in your current field of study/major.
  • If applying for Fall or Spring CPT, students must be enrolled full-time or approved for Full-Time Certification (FTC) from the Graduate School or have an approved Final Semester Reduced Course Load (RCL) before ISS can approve a CPT request

Application Instructions for Students

  • Students must send their graduate advisor their offer letter no later than two (2) weeks priority to the University Add/Drop Dates as listed on the University's Office of the Registrar's web stite. The letter should include the the following:
    • Complete details for the internship (duties/responsibilities)
    • The Employer's name and complete address
    • Dates of employment (beginning date to ending date)
    • Expected number of hours to be worked each week during the above period
  • The gradaute advisor will send the offer letter to the Director of Studies for review and approval. 
  • If approved, the student will be registered for 1 credit of independent study (ARC 599) in the fall, spring or summer semester with Professor Joyce Hwang through force registration. The student will be responsible for paying tuition for the independent study. The independent study may be used toward elective credit in the students degree program. 
  • The student should then Submit CPT Request e-form on UB Global
    • Answer all questions in detail
      • List or describe the skills/concepts from your degree program that will be used during CPT.
        • Should not be general skills like "team work" or "interpersonal skills".
      • Missing details or mistakes will require students to complete this entire form again, and will significantly delay processing time.  
    • Carefully write the advisor/department email address  (Sidney Landis; 
    • Request the full length of your CPT semester (see date chart on CPT website)
    • Upload your employment letter on company letterhead, with your name, date, job title and description
    • Read each confirmation of understanding.
  • Student is to notify the department if their CPT application was rejected and of any further communication from ISS regarding their application. 

Receiving a Grade for ARC 599

  • To receive a grade for the Independent Study, students must submit the following to Joyce Hwang no later than one (1) week after the employment end date:
    • A 1,000-1,500 word essary to include the following
      • introduction, stating the synopsis of the kind of work student did and what learning outcomes were
      • background of the firm and the type of work performed
      • description of the work student performed
      • assessment of the learning outcomes from the experience
      • conclusion- how did the experience add to their education