Career Development

Events Perspectives Professional Resources Cross Border Planning

Cross Border Planning

Perspectives on Planning from both sides of the Border: Hear about the experiences and work of US and Canadian planners from across the bi-national Buffalo Niagara region.

Session Overview

The session will compare and contrast considerations municipal planners in both countries give to land use proposals when certifying an application complete using.


  1. Neighbourhood character 
  2. State and Provincial requirements 
  3. Official and Comprehensive Plans 
  4. County and Regional Planning requirements

The event’s objectives are:

  • To expose students and professionals to the differing ways Provincial and State planners address routine planning tasks. 
  • To introduce UB students to municipal planning opportunities in Ontario, Canada. 
  • To consider different ways planners address municipal planning concerns.


Wednesday, May 1

6:00 p.m. | 403 Hayes Hall

Attend in-person or via Zoom registration

CM | 1.5.

Published March 27, 2024